How to prepare and what to give a future mother for a baby shower

A baby shower is a traditional party organized for the future mother before the birth of the child. This is a great opportunity to give a gift for the future mother and the child. Here are some suggestions on how to prepare and what to give

Ask the future mother about her preferences - before you start thinking about a gift, it is worth asking the future mother about her preferences and needs. She may already have a wish list or special gift requests.

Think about a gift for a child - think about what the child will need in the first months of life. You can give e.g. a blanket, bodysuit, rompers, diapers, toys, pacifiers, feeding bottles, a great idea would be to give our Moses basket.

Think about a gift for mom - a baby shower is also a perfect time to give the future mother something nice. You can think about, for example, a set of cosmetics, a book about motherhood, a mug with the inscription "best mom", etc.

Choose nice packaging - gifts are much more impressive if they are carefully packed. You can choose an elegant box or basket and decorate it with a bow, or go to a nearby flower shop and ask for it to be packed.

Get ready for fun - a baby shower is also a time for fun and relaxation for the future mother. Get ready for games, quizzes and other fun that will be enjoyed by guests and the future mother.

 Be ready to help - a baby shower is also an opportunity to support the mother-to-be and offer your help after the baby is born. For example, you can offer babysitting when the expectant mother needs some time for herself.

To sum up, in order to prepare well for a baby shower and give the right gift, it is worth talking to the future mother about her preferences, thinking about gifts for the baby and mother, choosing nice packaging and preparing for fun.